Traddodwyd y ddarlith gyhoeddus hon ar-lein trwy gyfrwng y Saesneg ar ddydd Sadwrn 20fed Mehefin 2020.
Cyn ymddeol, roedd Yr Athro Elspeth Webb yn betiatregydd cymunedol ac yn Athro Iechyd Plant ym mhrifysgol Caerdydd, yn gweithio am flynyddoedd ar hawliau plant, gwasanaethau amddiffyn plant, anghydraddoldebau iechyd, a chynnwys hawliau dynol yn y cwricwlwm hyfforddi meddygol.
Gyda phlant yn parhau i gwympo trwy’r craciau yn yr economi Covid-19, y ddadl ynglŷn ag ail-agor ysgolion yn defnyddio plant bregus fel propiau, a galwadau am ddiddymu carchardai yn ein gwthio i afael ag achosion sistemig trais a throsedd, mae hi’n fwy bwysig nac erioed bod y chwith – o’r diwedd – yn meddwl am y plant.
Hi Helpless,
Until 7 years ago , I was Chair of Hendre Housing Association it occurred to me that your lecture should be repeated at a Welsh Social Housing conference.
Community Housing Cymru is the organisation that coordinates conferences and deals directly with LA’S and Government,
My experience is that we did not apply ourselves well in considering the specific needs of children e.g play and recreation, support etc., General needs Housing and Care provision is generally focussed on adults,but not exclusively. I’m sure individual associations would, value your presentation.
I could write more but an area you did not touch on was ” Children as Carers”. I became aware of this area as Chair of Governers at Windsor Clive Primary in Ely. There were some horrific cases of child abuse amongst this group of children and others who were not parented in the normal sense, at all. I remember one child who was ostensibly in his grandmother’s care but she was a drug trafficker/dealer and mam was on the game upstairs.
As a former Customs man, I too was horrified by the smoke and mirrors and lies of Brexit particularly in the areas you are interested like child trafficking and hard core pork smuggling.
Maybe we can speak again,further.