A social wage for parents and carers, a national carers’ pension, and a National Care Service for Wales

If ever there was a time when childcare, and care work more generally, has been thrown into the spotlight then the current pandemic is definitely it. In addition to unexpected …

Stop the persecution of Welsh language speakers at HMP Berwyn

Undod and Prisoner Solidarity Network are campaigning together to stop the persecution of Welsh language speakers at HMP Berwyn. Prisoner Solidarity Network has been made aware of the ongoing harassment …

The Welsh Government is to blame for the second wave, not working class people: resist their tactic of divide and rule!

Over the last few weeks, as Wales has become the only part of the UK where COVID-19 cases continue to rise, there seems to have been a conscious decision made …

Westminster’s plans will devastate our rural communities – we must oppose them

Note: This speech at the XR Cardiff Rising Tide event was delivered on 2nd September 2020 before the publication of the Internal Market Bill, which only underscores everything said below, …